The Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose (Calif.) State University has attracted to its educational program a diverse group of students and faculty with a vast array of transportation expertise and experiences. Here, students can earn their Masters in Transportation Management (MSTM) and apply that knowledge to their careers.

This blog was created for students, alumni, and faculty, providing a glimpse into the transportation projects and experiences that contribute to the educational quality at MTI. Others with an interest in surface transportation management are welcome to comment or contribute.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

MTI Presents “Funding the Transportation System of the Future"

Mineta Transportation Institute Presents
“Funding the Transportation System of the Future: What's Possible in the Current Anti-Tax Climate?”

Friday, June 25, 2010
8:30am Continental breakfast
9-11am Panel discussion

Commonwealth Club
595 Market Street
Second Floor
San Francisco

FREE!! It also will be recorded for later broadcast on NPR Radio.

Moderator --
Hon. Rod Diridon Sr., Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute

Expert Panel --
- Dr. Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Director, MTI’s National Finance Research Center
- William Millar, President, American Public Transportation Association
- Hon. John Horsley, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Hon. Alan Lowenthal, California State Senator

Within the next two decades, the census bureau estimates that the U.S. population will increase by as many as 50 million people, including more than a 25% increase in California’s population alone. This population growth, combined with a growing backlog of overdue maintenance work on roads and transit systems, creates a need for significantly expanded transportation revenues. However, the current political climate is generally unfavorable to tax increases. Given these political realities, what new or expanded revenue sources could be generated for transportation? In particular, what options will be politically feasible in the short and medium term? Our panel of transportation experts, representing viewpoints from the national and state level, will discuss possible revenue options and their likely reception from the public and legislators.

For more information --

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