The Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose (Calif.) State University has attracted to its educational program a diverse group of students and faculty with a vast array of transportation expertise and experiences. Here, students can earn their Masters in Transportation Management (MSTM) and apply that knowledge to their careers.

This blog was created for students, alumni, and faculty, providing a glimpse into the transportation projects and experiences that contribute to the educational quality at MTI. Others with an interest in surface transportation management are welcome to comment or contribute.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here's an interesting article, with a link so you can continue reading...

Bush DOT Chief Discusses Reauthorization

By Lisa Caruso, National Journal

Mary Peters served as President George W. Bush's secretary of Transportation from 2006 to 2008 and as the head of the Federal Highway Administration from 2001 to 2005. During her tenure she proved an advocate of market-based approaches to transportation problems. An Arizona native, Peters returned to her home state in 2008 and is currently consulting for Zachry American Infrastructure, which promotes private investment in infrastructure projects, and the engineering firm HDR. She spoke this week with National Journal about how best to pay for the infrastructure improvements the country needs.

NJ: The surface transportation law expired at the end of last month, and Congress only extended it for 30 days. How much longer should it be extended in order to complete reauthorization -- until the end of the year, as House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar, D-Minn., has urged, or 18 months, which the administration and the Senate favor?

Peters: I would endorse where the administration and the Senate have been. If this is really important, we need to get it right, as opposed to rushing something through. We need to focus a little further out into the future so that we can get widespread agreement on what we need to do with the next program.

(To continue reading, go here: